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Empowering Communities, Building a Just and Equitable Future

We empower communities through health care assistance, skill development, education, employment opportunities, relief services during of natural and man-made disasters.

Our Focus

We place the marginalized communities and persons in the centre because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

Service beyond Self, Respect for Human Rights, Human Dignity, Eco-Sensitivity, Peace, Justice, Equity, Truth, Honesty, Trust, Transparency, Participation and Responsiveness.

Our Programmes

Medical Services

Fransalian Association for Social Transformation (FAST) is at the service of old, children and sick people of the community and relief camps in Manipur. To support them we conduct regular free medical camps with the support of Indian Army medical staff and medical staff of various hospitals and dispensaries.

Relief Services - Natural and man-made disasters

Fransalian Association for Social Transformation (FAST) rushes to the spot with relief materials such as edible items, clothes, and medicines when natural and man-made disasters occur. The organization has been very active in relief camps in Manipur, where ethnic violence

Women empowerment and Skill development for school dropouts

Fransalian Association for Social Transformation (FAST) organizes women empowerment programmes like self-help groups, skill development programmes for school drop-outs, awareness programmes and health and hygiene programmes Employment generation

Our Objectives

To promote spiritual, temporal, cultural, educational, agricultural, social and other Interests of the said congregation of St. Francis De Sales in the North Eastern States of India, of the institutions under their charge, and of the people who work with them and for whom they work.

Office bearers

Fr. Dr. Tomson Aerathedathu MSFS

Provincial Superior MSFS Dibrugarh Province

Fr. Dr. James Pattarakalayil MSFS

Council In-charge SAIM Forum

Fr. Peter Parankimalil MSFS

Provincial Bursar

Fr. Dr. Joseph Mathew MSFS

Executive Director FAST

Fr. Libin Agustine MSFS

Associate Director FAST

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